
Our Mission Statement

Goddard High School For Communication Arts & Technology is COMMITTED to the purpose of empowering students to be Successful Leaders, Life Long Learners, Critical Thinkers, and ADVOCATES for their College and Career Path. We are DEDICATED to providing a SAFE and NURTURING environment for students where they can achieve intellectual EXCELLENCE. Goddard High School ensures a quality 21st CENTURY education by supporting teachers with the BEST technology and pedagogical tools to facilitate student academic excellence.

Instructional Focus

Based on a data needs assessment (MOTP, Learning Environment Survey, and QR) we have identified Student Centered Learning as our school-wide instructional focus. Danielson Data Analysis reveals our need to target 3b & 3c across departments.

Instructional Strategy 

Socratic Seminar, and other techniques, will be the vehicle we use to foster student centered discussion, thinking, reading, and writing.

Dr. Joseph Birgeles, Principal

Dr. Joseph Birgeles, Principal

Alana Duggan, Assistant Principal

Alana Duggan, Assistant Principal

Seung Oh, Assistant Principal

Seung Oh, Assistant Principal

Adam Landman, Assistant Principal

Adam Landman, Assistant Principal


enough credits
in 9th grade to
be on track for


enough credits
in 10th grade
to be on track
for graduation


graduated in
four years

Source: School Quality Snapshot 2017

Framework for Great School


Our History

Our Name 


Robert Goddard High School is located in the Robert Goddard Middle School building. The High School, which occupies the entire 3rd floor, was started in September 2008. In 2012 we had to our first graduating class of seniors.


Robert Hutchings Goddard was an American engineer, professor, physicist, and inventor who is credited with creating and building the world's first liquid-fueled rocket.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_H._Goddard
Image: By NASA https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=6462082




E: Empower Students
D: Differentiated Learning
U: Utilizing Higher Order Skills
C: Culturally Responsive Education
A: Achieve High Standards
T: Technology Driven
E: Encourage Strong Community Ties

1. Students are engaged in high quality discussions in pairs, groups and whole class discussion opportunities (i.e., Socratic Seminar, Padlet)

2. Students are engaged in carefully planned and differentiated lesson plans (i.e., varied activities for subgroups and diverse texts).

3. Students are assessed in multiple ways (diagnostic, formative, summative) to advance higher-level thinking (i.e., Plickers, Kahoot, Quizziz).

4. Students are engaged in collaborative and/or independent student centered rigorous tasks. (i.e., Peardeck, QFT, CRT, Real World Problem Solving; STEM Labs).

5. Students are practicing advanced literacy (reading & writing) skills across the curriculum (i.e., Annotation, Revision, CRT based texts)

6. Students are provided with clear and rigorous learning targets (LO/AIM/Objectives as shaped by the HESS Matrix).


Graduation : 94%
College Readiness: 80%-ELA & Math-Cohort U
Post-Secondary: 80%
Advanced Course Index: 80%

R: Rigorous & Equitable
Learning Environment

G: Global impact via College and

H: Highly Effective Teachers

S: Student and Parent