Our Mission Statement
Goddard High School For Communication Arts & Technology is COMMITTED to the purpose of empowering students to be Successful Leaders, Life Long Learners, Critical Thinkers, and ADVOCATES for their College and Career Path. We are DEDICATED to providing aSAFE and NURTURING environment for students where they can achieve intellectual EXCELLENCE. Goddard High School ensures a quality 21st CENTURY education by supporting teachers with the BEST technology and pedagogical tools to facilitate student academic excellence.
Instructional Focus
Based on a data needs assessment (MOTP, Learning Environment Survey, and QR) we have identified Student Centered Learning as our school-wide instructional focus. Danielson Data Analysis reveals our need to target 3b & 3c across departments.
Instructional Strategy
Socratic Seminar, and other techniques, will be the vehicle we use to foster student centered discussion, thinking, reading, and writing.
Grading Policy
We believe grades are meant to be a holistic assessment of student learning. Our curriculum is aligned to NYS & Next Generation Standards. We believe that students who graduate high school need the ability to think critically, use evidence to support their arguments, apply what they have learned to solve real-world problems and demonstrate resilience in the face of obstacles. The individual teacher, in consultation with their direct supervisor and principal, is responsible for evaluating and determining each student’s academic achievement based on the established grading criteria. Grades are to be a fair, equitable, evaluative, and a restorative instrument, not a disciplinary device.
Please click here for detailed grading policy information